Super Seeds: Hemp Seeds


My senior year of college, I took a class called “Health Benefits of a Vegetarian Diet” as one of those filler classes that you know will be any easy “A” and one that you get credit for doing basically nothing. I went in with the intention of just having this fill a space in my schedule and as a class to put on the back burner, but I learned more in this class about my health, the benefits of various foods, and the term “GBOMBS” as the main ciriculum of the course was centered around the book Super Immunity by Dr. Joel Fuhrman. At the time, I thought the way that I ate was quite good and that I had a basic understanding of the nutrients in foods and the benefits of including them in my diet, but this book furthered my knowledge. A chapter that stood out to me most in this is when Dr. Furhman introduced his acronym “GBOMBS” which stands for Greens, Beans, Onions, Mushrooms, Berries, and Seeds. These are the foods in which the author argues are the best healthiest, anti-cancer, immune boosting, and disease fighting foods you could eat. I was not necessarily surprised at most of this list, however, “Seeds” is what stood out to me most. I knew that seeds had numerous health benefits, I just was not aware of just how powerful these little seeds are. I want to make a disclaimer that I am not a doctor or dietitian, but I am sharing information that I have gathered from my own research, specifically from the writings of Dr. Fuhrman in his book, Super Immunity.

Dr. Fuhrman makes it clear that seeds are one of the most nutrient dense foods you can consume as most of them are high in fats, antioxidants, protein, and more. The seeds that I consume most are hemp seeds, not to be confused with hemp hearts (you know the trendy little things that come on top of your açai bowl), so I want to focus on why I choose to eat hemp seeds and how I go about including them in my diet. This post is in collaboration with Eaton Hemp, a brand that I truly believe in and eat regularly and love that they make hemp seeds tasty and accessible.

Why Hemp Seeds?

Hemp seeds have been shown to improve brain health, rich with prebiotic fiber which improves digestion, packed with protein, and provide the body with the ideal 1:3 ratio of Omega 3:6. Need I say more? If you’d like to read more from Eaton Hemp’s blog about their research on the countless benefits of incorporating hemp seeds into your diet, click here!

How do you incorporate more hemp seeds into your diet?

Quick answer: Eaton Hemp’s Super Seeds and their Super Squares! Their Super Seeds are conveniently packaged which makes them a perfect grab-and go snack and their Super Squares have two amazing flavors, Cashew Coconut Mango, Walnut Apple Cinnamon, and Dark Chocolate Sea Salt! Whenever I know that I will be out and about, I pack some of the squares or seeds to-go along with me or simply sprinkle some of the seeds on top of my toast or add them into some of my favorite recipes for a bit more of a crunch!

Hope you all enjoyed learning a bit more about the benefits of including seeds in your diet and be sure that you go get your hands on some of Eaton Hemp’s amazing products, I can’t get enough!

This post is in partnership with a company I adore, Eaton Hemp. Thanks to brands like Eaton Hemp, I have the opportunity to create and share content that I believe in with companies that I use and believe in.

Kennedy Haffner